Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February 2011: Next Team headed out

The next Team to headed to Metapwili are starting to pack their bags as they leave February 19th, 2011. Our Host Partner has been very busy establishing a suitable project for the small team of 6. The Team was much larger but a number of people had to back out due to medical reasons. So in light of a smaller team to project had to be changed.

Below is the email from our Hosts:

"Richard has been very busy doing costings, measurements, enquiries etc and he eventually decided that the project
most suitable for you and the village is the building of an under ground water tank at the secondary school.

This also includes the purchase and fixing of 60 metres of plastic guttering to one of the school buildings to catch the water.

He has purchased some of the necessary items, ordered others, and is setting about starting to get the hole dug. This is quite a big task, so will involve village labour. He is hoping (and I suppose you are too) that the hole will be ready when you arrive to start work!!

The Secondary School is a little out of the village and the students at present cart water to school every day...this project will certainly be of great value... not only to the students but to the whole village...
looking forward to having you here at Kisampa.

best wishes
